Originally Posted: 10/28/2020
I know. Not everyone is moved by music. But like it or not, music connects with and moves people in ways little else does. For those folks…I’ve often used a tune or two that might help validate and normalize their experience as they plug into common themes, might give them a tool to use outside of sessions to remind them of specific things or to alter their mood or remember why they want to make different choices, and for those folks the music does something they or I couldn’t manage ourselves.
With some assistance I’ve been building a practice playlist with the idea of some shared musical experiences for our team and access to the widest variety of magical/musical styles, emotions, lyrics, etc., for those days when just that one song will do. So if you are one of those folks who enjoys the tunes and is on the lookout for new beats or if you have clients that could use a hummable reminder…you should be able to find something new here.
*standard disclaimer…some of these songs are brutally aggressive or ugly (kinda like life sometimes ([that’s why they’re on here]) and some use words even I find offensive and I’ll try to warn you with some kinda symbol when that’s going to be the case.
**less standard disclaimer…if you are certain there is not a style of music you don’t care for, I take that as a personal challenge and have a fairly good start so don’t expect to love or connect with everything…but you might be surprised here and there and find yourself going back to something that didn’t sit well at first aural glance. Happens to me all the time.
For the First Outing, I’ll include some long-standing classics from the list, some VIP’s as it were.
Selections by Category
Monday Motivator: Kinda Like A Workout Song For Your Noggin.
(LOUD (@#*% It) (Explicit Lyrics) – Motionless In White
Video here – click here
This could have gone under Caustic Cathartisizer for sure, but it has been an encouraging touchstone for how we go about getting things done, respecially with the lyrics in the bridge. And I quote…”The money’s in the treatment baby, not in the cure; so they fill your head with fear and shame and then hand you a brochure; the money’s in the treatment baby, not in the cure; so they build you up to watch you fall and then beg for an encore.” Makes me mad and to continue to push to be different.
Heart Wrencher: Songs Embracing Good Reasons For Sadness, The Kind You Listen To In The Midst Of A Break Up While Eating A Tub Of Ice Cream Kinda Thing Or Finding Out Someone/Thing You Love Is Temporary.
Don’t Let Us Get Sick – Warren Zevon
Live Performance – click here
From the same time of my life as the Theratunes Heart Wrencher one. Woof, and knowing where he was in his (Zevon) life makes it all the more impressive/sad…
Soul Satisfier: A Little Blast Of Positive Energy. I’m Always Opposed To Ignoring The Negative Or Unpleasant But No One Should Live There.
I’ve Got World On A String – Dr. John (Feat Bonnie Raitt)
Audio – Click Here
Two of the coolest cats ever, infusing some serious soul into some words of hope and love.
Caustic Cathartisizer: Angry And Aggressive…But Only For Catharsis I.e., Meant To Process Anger Not To Build On It.
Hate (I Really Don’t Like You) – The Plain T’s
Video – click here
Ha!!! It’s kind alike when your mom says “I’m not angry, I’m disappointed.” So much worse. This one has a new dedication. 😉
A Team: Love The Care And Skills Some of My Colleagues Have Put Into Their Work, This Is One Of The Ways I Like To Brag About Them. Maybe There’s Someone You’d Like To Champion.
The A Team (Original Series Theme Music) – Mike Post/Pete Carpenter
Video – click here
Ummmmm. It’s literally the name of the category.
Cool Groove: Just On The List Cause It’s Something To Which You Can Mentally Recline And Tap Your Feets.
Feels So Good – Chuck Mangione
Live Performance – click here
As promised, similar title, great feel. Played trumpet and not flugelhorn but the mellifluousness and the 70’s groove are not to be denied. You will be humming it…and maybe wearing bell bottoms.
Terrific Technicians: Be It Classical Composing Or Shredding Their Instrument(S) With Amazing Precisions, A Fair Reminder That Combining Your Gifts And Ongoing, Non-Stop, And Intense Efforts Can Result In Incredible Skill That Touches People.
My Black Birds Are Blue Birds Now AND Bugle Call Rag AND How Blue Can You Get – Jeff Healy
Audio – click here or here or here
Shut Up. I get to pick the tunes and evaluate the technicality. Jeff is singing and playing the jazz guitar in the first, the trumpet in the second jazzy classic, and making his axe cry in the third. If you saw the film Roadhouse you have seen Jeff play. Learned to play the guitar in his lap as the story goes…because losing his sight early in life, he never saw anyone strap one over their shoulder…but he was going to make music!!! At some point he decided to learn the trumpet too, and again brought skill and soul to another instrument. If cancer had not taken him in 2008, who knows what other instruments he would have added to his repertoire.
Cultural Compositions: A Chance To Experience The Music Of Peoples Different From My Own Peoples, Even Though We Are All The Same Peoples.
Oskus Orug – Radik Tyulush
Audio – click here
This reminded me a little of Tuvan throat singing with a single tone…yes that will probably make the list at some point…accompanied by a jazz band fronted by a banjo player. Yeah. That exists. Don’t really know what he’s singing about, but there is something eerily comforting and a little sad about it. Having said that it’s probably about balloons.
Squeeze Me?!?: Sometimes There Are Songs Or Groups That Represent Confusion Or Discomfort In Some Way By Being…Well, Their Own Particular Brand Of Weird. Helps Me Remember People Don’t Hear Or Interpret Anything The Same Way And This Tune Strikes Me That Way.
One Hand Killing – Twelve Foot Ninja
Video (has less than subtle humor) – click here
Audio – click here
Can’t for the life of me remember where I found these guys from Australia. Musically amazing, most of their songs include at least two distinct musical genres if not more. This one starts in their mandatory industrial crunch but transitions into a Cuban feel before devolving into disco. And yet, you end up singing it hours later and going back for another taste. At least I did. Their sense of humor is pretty raw and the videos dip into that a little more than some may care to imbibe but others seems to love it. Wrap your head around that.
Hope you found something you at least enjoy if not something that will serve some purpose for you. Be back soon, there is so much great tunage!