You can find some concepts through shared through various social media platforms below. Some are meant to be amusing (you gotta laugh in life), some thought provoking (thinking is not a bad idea either) and some reminders for ways to create and maintain balance in life (highly recommended). Please don't feel a need to like, follow, wink, link, or whatever. We just hope you get something out of something posted here, that's more than enough.
Just Plain Mental – Podcast
Short episodes on all kinds of topics. Just a warning, some may contain words some find offensive. There is a version of each without, choose wisely.
Art of the Week – Instagram
Officially started on a dorm room wall in 1986, you can now find the seriously random collection of art for thought on our Instagram account. The only things on our Instagram account.
Better Words
Always impressed how often someone sums up an idea with just a dash of words. These are some of my favorite quotes.
Build Balance – Blog
Focused around various topics, our blog dips into everything form the counseling field to popular culture. Again, some for laughs, some for a challenge, some in the middle.
Tons of Tunes
If you have a Spotify account, you can find music for nearly any mood. Again, a word of warning....some of these songs are unpleasant and use profane and/or offensive language. But, well, life.
More to Come…
No promises as to what exactly, but certainly more to come.