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Redemptathon: ala Ted Lasso Season 3…some odds.

The show Ted Lasso has a knack for wide swinging character arcs and as the series is drawing to a close (?) I am watching while trying to prognosticate who will end up in good light and who will end up a heel. So these are my guesses with episodes 10, 11, and 12 still outstanding. First, the softball.

Rupert will remain an immensely entitled lump of man *^%$*. That was never going anywhere. What I am willing to make a sizable bet on is that Rupert will lose sway over loogie-hocking Nate who will take big strides back towards being the “Great” instead of the “wunderkind”. It feels like they have been walking Jamie (It’s just Poopay) into decent caring human form all season long and I’ll bet he’ll complete that arc. Are they really going to bring Michelle back around to the Way of Lasso? Is that going to be the end, Ted headed back to marital bliss in the states? I’m conflicted both in the idea and the bet, let’s make that a bet to show.

There are a number of characters who have remained generally consistent and outside of momentary human slips do not require redemption. Beard’s deviant life and knowledge base make me jealous except for the whole Jane thing. I’m seeing life-long chaos in their future. Softer Roy makes me simultaneously happy and sadly nostalgic. Leslie and Mae “Rule!” and will always do just that. Baz, Jeremy, and Paul will remain fans and strategically fair weather at that. Sam, Isaac, Colin, Dani, Van Damme, Bumbercatch, and Jan will continue on with their own foibles and joys, one of them will be giving joy away for free.

Rebecca will find her own joy instead of trying to ruin Rupert’s? Keeley will find herself secure in career and in a relationship? (Can you say Keelay?) Dr. Sharon will make one more cameo and be Dr. Sharon. And my man, Trent Crimm (The no longer Independent) will write a stirring tale that will sum up what has made the series so compelling, much more about the people and ideas than the kicking of a ball.

Lastly, if they spin this sucker off…who’s name will appear at the top of the call sheet? That’s one bet I can’t even take a swing at. Maybe they’ll go the Paramount/Taylor Sheridan route and spin off 47 different shows and you should bet the parlay. “Ola’s” staring Sam in the restaurant? “Beard” in a sort of Willy Wonka series? “Phoebe’s World” With Phoebe starting a gang in elementary school. “Time Cop: Goalie in Warp Mode” starring Zoreaux? “Wooden Shoes and Windmills” on the shopping/travel channel with Jan Mas? Who knows? I do know it has been a fun ride overall.

Wanna bet?

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